Friday, January 28, 2011

Lack of Margaret making you twitchy?

I know my Mom's been having withdrawals.  Here's a few of the little puddin' today:

Margaret loves her new slippers.  She proudly stomps around in them all day.



Mindy said...

I love that first picture especially. Of course, you can't go wrong with denim overalls. Don't forget, I still need some long photos.

Laura Ingalls wannabe said...

Most of those were long before I cropped them. I'll send you the originals tonight or tomorrow. There's one up there to get you started!

Mindy said...

She looks so proud of her little slippers. Good choice!

Mindy said...

Picture 1: Well, I guess these are nice enough shoes.

Picture 2: But wait...I have an idea.

Picture 3: Yes..I think this could work.

Picture 4: Now these are definitely more what I had in mind.

Picture 5: I think I'll keep these, mom will never notice, and they definitely much easier to get on.

Picture 6: But at the end of a long day, nothing beats your favorite pair of slippers.