Saturday, August 18, 2012

Birthday Play - Making cakes with play dough

Margaret's birthday is next week, and the promises of festivities have been hanging in the air around here. The other day when Meg was playing play dough, she started making "happy birthdays" for her doll, which I came to understand were in fact birthday cakes. This prompted a bit of extension on my part. I found some birthday confetti, birthday candles, and gems at Dollar Tree, dug into my cupboards for some extra cupcake wrappers (Who am I kidding? They're all extras. I'm never going to use these things!), and made up a batch of fresh play dough in cakey colors.

Meggie dug right in with zeal!

We made cupcakes:

Big cakes:

Giant cake balls:

And had a party:

"Blowing out" the candles

The birthday girl

I used just a touch less oil than usual to make the dough, so it would have a slightly crumbly texture like real cake. I also didn't mix the color completely, again for realism.

Removing the goodies made for a great fine motor activity.

Everything stores compactly, making it a great fun box activity, too.


1 comment:

  1. Those "cakes" are gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to Tuesday Tots.
